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Current Issue: Volume 13, Issue 2, February 2025 


Outcomes and Complications of Arthroscopic Treatment for Septic Arthritis of the Hip: A Systematic Review

Pages 62-74


Mohammad Poursalehian; Sina Hajiaghajani; Amirhosein Sabaghian; Amir Human Hoveidaei; Janet Conway


The Persian Version of Constant-murley Score in Patients with Rotator Cuff Tears: Reliability and Validity

Pages 75-81


Arash Farbood; Sanaz Jowkar; Mehrdad Askarian; Omidreza Momenzadeh; Zahra Shayan; Afshin Zare

Bibliometric Analysis of Outpatient Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Research Evolution

Pages 87-99


Marc Boutros; Fong H. Nham; Matthew P. Corsi; Maroun Aoun; Jhonny Lopez; Eliana Kassis; Mohammad Daher; Mouhanad M. El-Othmani

Patient Reported Outcomes of Total Knee Arthroplasty with Ultra-congruent Lipped Polyethylene Liners: A Randomized Study

Pages 100-105


Jonathan Liu; Mohammad Daher; Jacob Laperche; Drew Clippert; Zainab Ibrahim; Thomas J. Barrett; Valentin Antoci Jr

Reliability of Diagnostic Tests for Movement System Impairment-based Categories of Mechanical Neck Pain

Pages 106-113


Mehrnoosh Amin; Amin Behdarvandan; Maryam Saadat; Armin Jahangiri babadi; Payam Amini; Foruzan Orak


Dorsal Interosseous Muscle Weakness from Mid-palm Ganglion Cyst

Pages 119-124


Lilah Fones; Mitchell K. Freedman; Pedro K. Beredjiklian; Gregory G. Gallant

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