Background: Despite the introduction of different techniques for meniscal repair, no single procedure is superior in all situations. The new method for meniscal repair named “ modified outside-in technique ” aims to achieve higher primary fixation strength by an alternative suture technique as well as avoid disadvantages of outside-in, inside-out, and all-inside suture procedures. Additionally, the mid-term results of surgically treated patients with eniscal injuries by our new technique were evaluated. Methods: The current prospective study included 66 patients who underwent meniscal repair by the modified outside-in technique. The International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) Subjective Knee Evaluation Form was completed pre- and post-operatively. At final follow-up, Lysholm score was completed and patients were questioned about their return to previous sport activities. Clinical success was defined as lack of swelling and joint line tenderness, absence of locking, negative McMurray test and no need for meniscectomy. Patients’ satisfaction was evaluated using the visual analogue scale (VAS). Patients were followed for 26±1.7 months. Results: Clinical success was achieved in 61 patients (92.4%) and 5 candidates required meniscectomy (7.6%). IKDC Subjective Knee Evaluation Form score increased significantly from 54.2±12.7 preoperatively to 90.8±15.6 postoperatively (P<0.001). Lysholm score was excellent and good in 49 (80.3%) patients and fair in 12 (19.7%). Patients’ satisfaction averaged at 8.35±1 (6-10). Neurovascular injury, synovitis and other knot-related complications were not reported. Conclusions: The modified outside-in technique has satisfactory functional and clinical outcomes. We believe that this procedure is associated with better clinical and biomechanical results; however, complementary studies should be performed to draw a firm conclusion in this regard.
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Keyhani, S. , Abbasian, M. , Siatiri, N. , Sarvi, A. , Mardani Kivi, M. and Esmailiejah, A. A. (2015). Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair: “Modified Outside-In Technique”. The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 3(2), 104-108. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2015.4199
Keyhani, S. , , Abbasian, M. , , Siatiri, N. , , Sarvi, A. , , Mardani Kivi, M. , and Esmailiejah, A. A. . "Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair: “Modified Outside-In Technique”", The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 3, 2, 2015, 104-108. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2015.4199
Keyhani, S., Abbasian, M., Siatiri, N., Sarvi, A., Mardani Kivi, M., Esmailiejah, A. A. (2015). 'Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair: “Modified Outside-In Technique”', The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 3(2), pp. 104-108. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2015.4199
S. Keyhani , M. Abbasian , N. Siatiri , A. Sarvi , M. Mardani Kivi and A. A. Esmailiejah, "Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair: “Modified Outside-In Technique”," The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 3 2 (2015): 104-108, doi: 10.22038/abjs.2015.4199
Keyhani, S., Abbasian, M., Siatiri, N., Sarvi, A., Mardani Kivi, M., Esmailiejah, A. A. Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair: “Modified Outside-In Technique”. The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 2015; 3(2): 104-108. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2015.4199