Division of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Posterior shoulder instability (PSI) is a shoulder pathology that is challenging to diagnose, leading to treatment delay and exacerbation of symptoms. Etiology can be both traumatic and atraumatic, and a comprehensive clinical history plays a significant role in achieving diagnosis. Imaging in the setting of PSI can reveal a reverse-Bankart lesion, a reverse Hill-Sachs lesion, posterior labral cysts, and potentially glenoid or lesser tuberosity fractures. Both conservative and surgical options exist for patients with PSI, and management often depends on case severity, extent of bone loss, and patient goals and expectations. Holistic patient education regarding the etiologies, mechanisms and possible treatment options available is pivotal for achieving high levels of patient satisfaction and optimal outcomes. Level of evidence: IV
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Khanna, A. , Fares, M. Y. , Koa, J. , Boufadel, P. , Lopez, R. and Abboud, J. A. (2024). Clinical, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Characteristics of Posterior Glenohumeral Instability. The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 12(12), 820-825. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2024.81046.3697
Khanna, A. , , Fares, M. Y., , Koa, J. , , Boufadel, P. , , Lopez, R. , and Abboud, J. A.. "Clinical, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Characteristics of Posterior Glenohumeral Instability", The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 12, 12, 2024, 820-825. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2024.81046.3697
Khanna, A., Fares, M. Y., Koa, J., Boufadel, P., Lopez, R., Abboud, J. A. (2024). 'Clinical, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Characteristics of Posterior Glenohumeral Instability', The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 12(12), pp. 820-825. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2024.81046.3697
A. Khanna , M. Y. Fares , J. Koa , P. Boufadel , R. Lopez and J. A. Abboud, "Clinical, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Characteristics of Posterior Glenohumeral Instability," The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 12 12 (2024): 820-825, doi: 10.22038/abjs.2024.81046.3697
Khanna, A., Fares, M. Y., Koa, J., Boufadel, P., Lopez, R., Abboud, J. A. Clinical, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Characteristics of Posterior Glenohumeral Instability. The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 2024; 12(12): 820-825. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2024.81046.3697