The Utility of Kapandji Technique in Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning Of Completely Displaced Pediatric Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus: Technical Note

Document Type : TECHNICAL NOTE


BRJ Orthocentre & MAK Hospital, Coimbatore, India



The standard treatment for displaced pediatric supracondylar fracture of humer us (PSCFH) is 
closed reduction and percutaneous pinning under image intensifier guidance. This technical note 
describes Kapandji intrafocal pinning technique (KIPT) for achieving optimal fracture reduction 
and stable fixation in Gartland Type III or IV extension type PSCFH. In KIPT, a K wire was 
introduced into the fracture site from the posterior aspect, fracture manipulatio n was done by 
levering with wire reducing the posterior displacement of the distal fragment and the wire was 
fixed to the anterior cortex of the proximal fragment. After this sagittal plane reduction and 
stabilization with intrafocal wire , coronal plane reduction could be carried out easily. This was 
followed by pinning of columns: all lateral or crossed (medial and lateral). In completely displaced 
extension type PSCFH, KIPT achieves ideal fracture reduc tion without vigorous manipulation in 
short surgical time and enables easy column pinning.
 Level of evidence: II


Main Subjects

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