Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the clinical and radiological results after endoscopic repair of gluteus medius muscle injuries and proposed an anatomical classification for the different injury classes. Methods: A retrospective case series, including patients who had undergone endoscopic repair of the hip abductor tendon. The surgical procedure was standardized. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies were analyzed, and the injuries were classified into three types: nontransfixing partial-extension (nTPE) tear, transfixing partial-extension (TPE) tear, and transfixing full-extension (TFE) tear. TPE and TFE were considered high-grade tears. The postoperative outcomes were as follows: duration of walking aid requirement, duration of physical therapy, time to return to daily activities, modified Harris Hip score (mHHS) and Nonarthritic Hip Score (NAHS) functional scores, pain visual analog scale (VAS), satisfaction, claudication, Trendelenburg test, and reoperation. Results: Sixteen patients were included (94% women; mean age 65 years), with a mean follow-up of 42 months (12-131, range). Out of the cases with preoperative exams available for analysis, four cases (31%) were nTPE, three (23%) TPE, and six (46%) TFE tears. Thus, 69% of the patients had high-grade injuries. These patients had a higher degree of fat infiltration (P = 0.034), but this was not correlated with inferior postoperative clinical or radiological results. One patient required reoperation due to a recurrent injury. Conclusion: Isolated extra-articular injuries to the tendons of the gluteus medius and minimus evolved satisfactorily after endoscopic repair. Due to the small number of cases, it was not possible to observe differences in outcomes between high-and low-grade injuries. Level of evidence: IV
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Bitar, A. Carneiro , Brandão Guimarães, J. , Marques, R. , de Castro Trindade, C. Augusto , Gomes Ormond Filho, A. , Astolfi Caetano Nico, M. and Berwanger de Amorim Cabrita, H. Antônio (2023). Clinical and Radiological Results after Endoscopic Treatment for Gluteal Tendon Injuries with a Minimum Follow-Up of 12 Months. The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 11(10), 641-648. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2023.70495.3304
Bitar, A. Carneiro, , Brandão Guimarães, J. , , Marques, R. , , de Castro Trindade, C. Augusto, , Gomes Ormond Filho, A. , , Astolfi Caetano Nico, M. , and Berwanger de Amorim Cabrita, H. Antônio. "Clinical and Radiological Results after Endoscopic Treatment for Gluteal Tendon Injuries with a Minimum Follow-Up of 12 Months", The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 11, 10, 2023, 641-648. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2023.70495.3304
Bitar, A. Carneiro, Brandão Guimarães, J., Marques, R., de Castro Trindade, C. Augusto, Gomes Ormond Filho, A., Astolfi Caetano Nico, M., Berwanger de Amorim Cabrita, H. Antônio (2023). 'Clinical and Radiological Results after Endoscopic Treatment for Gluteal Tendon Injuries with a Minimum Follow-Up of 12 Months', The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 11(10), pp. 641-648. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2023.70495.3304
A. Carneiro Bitar , J. Brandão Guimarães , R. Marques , C. Augusto de Castro Trindade , A. Gomes Ormond Filho , M. Astolfi Caetano Nico and H. Antônio Berwanger de Amorim Cabrita, "Clinical and Radiological Results after Endoscopic Treatment for Gluteal Tendon Injuries with a Minimum Follow-Up of 12 Months," The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 11 10 (2023): 641-648, doi: 10.22038/abjs.2023.70495.3304
Bitar, A. Carneiro, Brandão Guimarães, J., Marques, R., de Castro Trindade, C. Augusto, Gomes Ormond Filho, A., Astolfi Caetano Nico, M., Berwanger de Amorim Cabrita, H. Antônio Clinical and Radiological Results after Endoscopic Treatment for Gluteal Tendon Injuries with a Minimum Follow-Up of 12 Months. The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 2023; 11(10): 641-648. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2023.70495.3304