Objectives: Quantitatively define the radiographic locations of the major soft-tissue attachments about the elbow. Methods: In 10 cadaveric elbows, the attachments of the medial ulnar collateral ligament, lateral ulnar collateral ligament, annular ligament, triceps, and biceps were marked with radiopaque spheres. Measurements were made on calibrated AP and lateral fluoroscopic images from known osseous landmarks. Results: On AP radiographs; the anterior bundle of the MUCL (aMUCL) measured 28.6mm (95% CI, 27. 5-29.8mm) from the humeral attachment to the midpoint of the MUCL ridge on the ulna and 14.3mm, (95% CI 13.0-15.5) to the olecranon. The LUCL was 39.9mm (95% CI, 38.6 – 41.1mm) from the humeral attachment to the supinator crest attachment and 8.9mm (95% CI, 8.1-9.8mm) to the lateral epicondyle. On the lateral radiographs, the humeral attachment of the aMUCL to the medial coronoid was 27.1mm (95% CI, 25.9-28.2mm) and 9.3mm (95%CI, 17.5 - 21.2mm) to the tip. The LUCL humeral attachment to the supinator crest was 45.4mm (95%CI, 44.1-46.8mm). The LUCL humeral attachment was located 8.9mm (95%CI, 8.0-9.7mm) posterior from the anterior humeral line. Conclusion: The soft-tissue attachments about the elbow were reproducibly demonstrated on radiographs in relation to osseous landmarks and radiographic lines. The radiographic relationships will allow for improved identification of the ligament and tendon attachment sites of the elbow for intraoperative assessment and postoperative evaluation following reconstruction. Level of evidence: V
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Moen, P. , , Hill, B. , , Teytelbaum, D. , , Kim, C. , and Kaar, S. . "Radiographic Description of Soft Tissue Attachments around the Elbow", The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 11, 9, 2023, 556-564. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2023.49879.2491
Moen, P., Hill, B., Teytelbaum, D., Kim, C., Kaar, S. (2023). 'Radiographic Description of Soft Tissue Attachments around the Elbow', The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 11(9), pp. 556-564. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2023.49879.2491
P. Moen , B. Hill , D. Teytelbaum , C. Kim and S. Kaar, "Radiographic Description of Soft Tissue Attachments around the Elbow," The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 11 9 (2023): 556-564, doi: 10.22038/abjs.2023.49879.2491
Moen, P., Hill, B., Teytelbaum, D., Kim, C., Kaar, S. Radiographic Description of Soft Tissue Attachments around the Elbow. The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 2023; 11(9): 556-564. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2023.49879.2491