An Epidemiological Study of Primary Bone Tumors of the Fibula

Document Type : RESEARCH PAPER


1 University of Health Sciences, Kartal Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Research and Training Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, İ􀇚stanbul, Turkey

2 University of Health Sciences, Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Research and Training Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ankara, Turkey


Background: Relatively low incidence has led to an under-rating of fibula tumors. This study aimed to evaluate
fibula tumors as a whole and to give detailed information based on histological types according to the anatomic
location of the tumors in the fibula.
Methods: Evaluation was made of all the primary bone tumors of the fibula recorded in our bone tumor registry and
institute of pathology from 2007 to 2018. Of these, 62 cases were identified. Analysis included assessment of age,
gender, tumor localization, the presenting symptoms, the duration of symptoms, and treatment methods.
Results: There were 48 (77.4%%) benign and 14 (22.6%) malignant tumors. The most commonly found benign
tumors were non-ossifying fibroma (12/48; 25%) and aneurysmal bone cyst (12/48; 25%), and the malignant tumors
were chondrosarcoma (3/14; 21.4%) and chondroblastic osteosarcoma (3/14; 21.4%). The most common location
for both benign and malignant tumors (58.3%, 71.4%) are the proximal fibula, followed by the distal fibula (27.1%,
28.6%) and the diaphysis (14.6%, 0%). Six (9.7%) patients prese nted with pathological fibula fractures.
Conclusion: Fibular tumors are rarely encountered in clinical practice but are mostly benign, with malignancy
determined in approximately a quarter of patients. However, as most benign tumors are asymptomatic, and therefore
remain undetected, the actual proportion of malignant tumors wi ll be much lower.
Level of evidence: IV


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