Author = Matthijs P. Somford
How Well do Orthopedic Surgeons Recognize Different Models of Total Elbow Arthroplasties on Plain Radiographs with the Use of a Diagnostic Flowchart?

Volume 7, Issue 5, September 2019, Pages 407-415


Ante Prkić; Femke Claessen; Matthijs P. Somford; Bertram The; Michel P.J. van den Bekerom; Denise Eygendaal

The Use of Eponyms for Surgical Approaches and Fractures in Elbow Surgery: Accuracy and Reliability Pre- and Post-Training

Volume 7, Issue 2, March and April 2019, Pages 191-198


Jetske Viveen; Matthijs P. Somford; Koen L.M. Koenraadt; Michel P. J. van den Bekerom; Denise Eygendaal; Inger B. Schipper; Job N. Doornberg