Repair of Minor Tissue Defect in Hand by Transfer of Free Tissue Flap from the Toe

Document Type : RESEARCH PAPER


1 Orthopedics Department, The Eight Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, 537100, Guigang, China

2 Department of Hand Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, 530000, Nanning, China


To introduce our experience of using the free neurovascular flap from great and second toe.
Thirteen patients (fifteen fingers) sought surgical treatment for soft tissue defects of the hand at our medical
institutin between March 2006 and September 2009. In two patients, fibular side skin-nail flaps of great toe were
applied to cover the dorsal defect of distal thumb. In twelve, in the treatment of pulp defect of finger with fibular side
flap of great toe or tibial side flap of second toe. In one, in the treatment of defect of distal middle with composite flap
with distal digital bone of second toe.
All flaps were survived. The average subjective satisfaction score was 8.08 (range 4-10). Nine patients
(69%) experienced cold intolerance, and 2 patients (15%) dysesthesia. The Semmes-Weinstein sensitivity score was
between 3.47and 4.72 on the flap, and 0-4.18 on the donor site. The mean two-point discrimination was 6.8 mm (range
4-12). Grip strength was 10% less than in the unaffected hand. The proximal interphalangeal mobility loss was less
than 15 degrees.
Our results indicated that these free flaps from toe are useful for patients with a small soft-tissue
defect in hand.


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