Author = Inger Schipper
Factors Associated with Patient Willingness to Conduct a Remote Video Musculoskeletal Consultation

Volume 8, Issue 6, November and December 2020, Pages 656-660


Anne-Britt Dekker; David L.J.I. Bandell; Joost T.P. Kortlever; Inger B. Schipper; David Ring

The Use of Eponyms for Surgical Approaches and Fractures in Elbow Surgery: Accuracy and Reliability Pre- and Post-Training

Volume 7, Issue 2, March and April 2019, Pages 191-198


Jetske Viveen; Matthijs P. Somford; Koen L.M. Koenraadt; Michel P. J. van den Bekerom; Denise Eygendaal; Inger B. Schipper; Job N. Doornberg